
Colleges and Schools

Ensemble Auditions

Music ensembles are open to music majors and non-majors with some groups requiring auditions.  All auditions are held during the first week of fall classes. Some audition requirements are listed below; for more information, please contact the listed director or coordinator, or the Music Department office at (773) 244-5630. If you are interested in auditioning for the spring semester, please contact the ensemble director listed below.

Fall 2024 Ensemble Auditions

University Orchestra, Tom Zelle

Please join us for rehearsal on the first Tuesday of class at 4:20 p.m. in Hanson Hall, Room 202. Bring your instrument. Following rehearsal, we’ll meet with you individually to talk and also ask you to play a piece and one, one-octave major scale.

University Choir, Julia Davids

All students singing in University Choir, Upper Voice Chorale, and Chamber Singers need to for a short vocal skills assessment. After the assessment, students will be automatically registered based on placement. Assessments take place in Isaacson Chapel Monday and Tuesday during the first week of class from 2:30–6:00 p.m. Students do not need to prepare any music in advance of the audition but are encouraged to warm up their voices so that they can accurately demonstrate their range and tone quality.

Upper Voice Chorale

See University Choir.

Chamber Singers, Julia Davids

See University Choir.

Opera and Theatre, George Cederquist

Students—including non-majors—do not need to audition for Opera or Theatre workshops; simply enroll in the course, or contact George Cederquist, producing artistic director of Opera and Theatre, with questions.

Jazz Ensemble, Joe Lill

Please join us on the first Monday of class at 4:20 p.m. in Hamming Hall. Bring your instruments and a writing utensil. Information will be shared regarding registration, instrument needs, etc.

Concert Band, Joe Lill

Please join us on the first Tuesday of class at 4:20 p.m. in Hamming Hall. Bring your instruments and a writing utensil. Information will be shared regarding registration, instrument needs, etc.

Gospel Choir, Terrance Smith

Please join us for rehearsal on the first Tuesday of class at 6:30 p.m. in Anderson Chapel.

Chamber Music, Eugenia Jeong

Strings — see University Orchestra; Professor Thomas Jefferson will attend the first orchestra rehearsal with Professor Tom Zelle and provide instruction

Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion — please see Concert Band; Professor Eugenia Jeong will attend the first rehearsal with Professor Joe Lill and provide instructions

Vocalists and Pianists— contact Eugenia Jeong