
Undergraduate Programs

Program Requirements

Students who complete the major requirements for a bachelor of arts (BA) or bachelor of science (BS) degree in mathematics will develop the ability to think rigorously, an understanding of the fundamental principles and techniques of mathematics, an appreciation for mathematics as the primary language of science and an important part of our cultural heritage, the ability to learn independently and utilize technology effectively for learning and problem solving, and the ability to communicate mathematics in both oral and written forms.

Major Requirements (BA)

40 major course credit hours
120 total credits for graduation

Required courses: MATH 1410, 1490, 1510, 1520, 2420, 3010, 3050, 3100, 3110, 3210

A comprehensive examination is required for graduation.

For students in secondary education: The B.A. in Math meets the requirement for the Senior High Endorsement in the area of mathematics.

Honors For Departmental Honors in Mathematics, 4 sh of MATH 4000 are required in addition to the 40 sh for a BA Application for admission should be made the second semester of the third year.

Major Requirements (BS)

40 major course credit hours
120 total credits for graduation

CSIS 1210,ÌýCSIS 1220ÌýorÌýPHEN 1510; 2 additional hours in MATH numbered 2000 or higher.

Required core courses: MATH 1410,ÌýMATH 1510,ÌýMATH 1520,ÌýMATH 2030,ÌýMATH 2420,ÌýMATH 3050,ÌýMATH 3100,ÌýMATH 4010ÌýorÌýMATH 4970Ìý(4 sh)


  • Option A:ÌýMATH 3150Ìýand 4 sh of Mathematics numbered 2000 or higher.
  • Option B:ÌýPHEN 2110Ìýand a combination of 4 additional hours in Mathematics, numbered 2000 or higher, or one ofÌýPHEN 3310,ÌýPHEN 3410,ÌýPHEN 3510
  • Option C:ÌýBSE 3210,ÌýBSE 3220
  • Option D:ÌýCSIS 3310,ÌýCSIS 3320

Notes and restrictions

  • Students who pursue a double major in Mathematics may double-count no more than 8 hours of cross-listed courses.
  • A comprehensive examination is required for graduation. An oral presentation of a paper outside the classroom (the paper and venue to be previously approved by the department) is required for graduation.

Honors: 4 sh ofÌýMATH 4000Ìýare required in addition to the 40 sh for a B.S. Application for admission should be made the second semester of the third year. For general departmental honors requirements and aÌýMATH 4000Ìýcourse description, see appropriate sections of this catalog.

Minor Requirements

20 semester hours (sh)

  • Required core courses (16 sh) — MATH 1410, 1490, 1510, 1520
  • Elective courses — Any additional 4 sh in mathematics courses numbered 2000 or higher

Academic Catalog ÌýCore Curriculum

Course Descriptions

The following descriptions are a sample of courses you may take as a math major. For a complete list of required courses, please review the academic catalog.

Introduction to mathematical logic and writing proofs, providing a solid foundation for further work in mathematics. Topics include propositional logic, first-order logic, proof techniques, elementary number theory, sets, Boolean algebra, and relations. Students should have completed four years of high school math.

Introduction to applied statistical analysis. Descriptive, correlational, and inferential statistics; concepts of population, sample, sampling distribution; elements of probability; parameters of discrete distributions; hypothesis testing: analysis of proportions, means, and variance; linear regression. Cross-listed with STAT 1490.

Beginning calculus, limits and continuity, derivatives, mean value theorem, applications of derivatives, antiderivatives, Riemann Sums, introduction to the definite integrals. Uses computers.

Continuation of MATH 1510. Fundamental theorem of calculus, evaluation of definite integrals, applications of definite integrals, introduction to differential equations, infinite sequences and series. Uses computers.

Study of ordinary differential equations, especially first and second order, with applications to geometry and the physical life sciences. Uses computers.

Providing a solid foundation for further work in mathematics also required for actuarial certificate test-I (P-1). Topics include: Numerical and descriptive statistics, Probability and the laws of probability, discrete random variables and their probability distributions, continuous random variables and their probability distributions.

A detailed study of functions of several variables including differentiation, line and surface integrals, and Green and Stokes' theorems. Uses computers.

Introduction to the fundamentals of real analysis including real numbers, limits, derivatives, and the Riemann integral.

A study of matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Uses computers.

Study of groups, rings, ideals, integral domains, fields and their applications.

Providing a solid foundation for further work in mathematics also required for actuarial certificate test-I (P-1). Topics include: Multivariate Probability distributions, functions of random variables, sampling distributions and the central limit theorem, estimations and their methods, and hypothesis testing.

Study of history of mathematics focusing on Western and non-Western primary sources; using of historical invention as a teaching tool in mathematics; professional writing in mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 1410, 1520.

Complex numbers, elementary complex functions, the Cauchy theory, infinite series, the calculus of residues, and introduction to conformal representation.

An introduction to numerical methods with computer implementation. Solution of linear, non-linear, and differential equations; interpolation and approximation; numerical integration and differentiation; and error analysis.

Honors independent study in Mathematics.

Capstone course for mathematics major. Students learn to read, analyze, and learn mathematics not contained in standard undergraduate textbooks. Written and oral presentations required. Student must be of fourth-year standing and a mathematics major.

Independent Study in Mathematics.

Please refer to the Internship section for requirements and guidelines.